Thursday, 8 December 2011

DePrEsS !!!

oh gud , , why ths situation would happen to me??? i need someone that can helping me , , hurmmm gud (Allah s.w.t) could i do it as i think to run over from these prob ??? can i ?? thaksfull cause i have a gud ex tht could helped me when i need him , , what a such thing that made me depression due to thse prob , , huh!!!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


RaSa TaK PuAs AtY . .

aqoo ad sowg lecture ni , , dy pnyelaras aqoo tw , , dy ni super ego , , x cm aq at swasta dlu , , mmg owg klntn ni srbot ea ?? aq xla mention smue owg klntn ni srbot , , q myampah an dy , , ble an aq je dy duk plih kasih , , damn la beb . . hurmm tp aq xwt xtw je , , aqoo pkir an prubahn dy 2 nmpk la dy oke , , upe2ny dy mkin mlampau , , nsb bek la dy lec aqoo . . tp utk sem 3 ni ase ny xd pn nme dy , , lau ley aq xsuke dy ngao , , dy nni jnis mmilh dax2 yg chantek an genius je , , perghh angin gak aq , , hurmm lau kowg pn , kowg akn wt bnde yg same cm aqoo wt ble kowg ni ad dpn mate dy tp cm xwujud , , ase ny cm xsba je na abes an KKM , , hurmmm agk2 ley x wt aduan sal lect cm ni , , stress kot blaja , , da wet elaun dy duk demand je mx , , aq tgk kolej len xd pn cm ni , ,

Monday, 5 December 2011

SdEy ,, My FwEn


Salam kpd yg merasa msg inbox i...don't wory about me....i xakn disturb ur girlfriend wokeh....i ikhlas b'sahabat...klau kbetulan tjadi pbincangan lama n semua friends bole tgk, tag foto dll....i rase tu hal biase arrr.....lg pn bkn sorok...klau i nk kacau die. I bole guna inbox serious i xbuat....lain kilija msih manyak woooiii...hehehe...w'salam

Friday, 2 December 2011

MeMoIr Sem II

PeAcE !!!!

LoOkInG FoR ThE FuTuRe



StUdEnT nUrSe SeM II

StUdEnT NuRsE SeM II & OuR LeCtUrE
congratulation to all student nurse of kubang kerian college , , alhamdulillah we all had been goctha wht have we trying for , , huhuhu gald , , KKNC were proud with us , , once more congrate to my beloved fwens espcially student nurse sem II had been now sem III , ,

DyE Ke ???

LoOkInG fOr SoMeOnE!!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

My BeLoVeD SaTiO U1

my beloved phone sickkk~ hurmmm saddddddddddd ~ i love it so much , , hurmmm please woke up for me . . i need u baby , , hurmmm pleaseeeee "Sony Ericsson satio U1 12MP" . . hurmmm mom , , dad , , i love it very much than my boy fwen , , hummmmmmm

Sunday, 27 November 2011

De PaNtAi IrAmA BaChOk @ 5/11/2011

~KaMi Yg XdE KjE SpAnJg CuTy BeFoRe FiNaL SeMeStEr ExAmInAtIoN~

My SiS


IkAn KeLi999!!!!!!

~ElAk KnE AiR MaSiN~


ChOsSeN EiThEr OnE

ChOoSiNg EiThEr OnE ???

AmIrUl FaHmI




MoHd EzWaN
chossen either one tht u all like it , , hehe , , i cn't gve any dcision bout it casue of i'll throw my heart ot on risk <3 <3

WeBcAm WiF hIm

He GiVe Me ThIs SoNg n TolD tHt " He MiSs Me "

last nght (26/11/2011) , hurmmmm i poke him at ym (yahoo messenger) for chatting n hopely he'll not rplying , , hurmmm but the poken were make both of us represent the feel tht weren't bcome true , ,hurmmm he threw me awy cause of my particle fault  , , then he taught me tht hd been enganged wth another girls and replacing with apologise of all he did , , hurmmm i told him , i still loving him as well , , hurmmm an cn't accept wht hd been hppn to us , , thy wren't change , , he said tht he wre missing me n want me to called him 'hubby' @ 'b' , additionally our memoir at Kuala Lumpur n Selangor weren't died in mind of us , , i said tht he wren't belongs to me , , i cn't stop thnking bout him , , he wanted me to meet him for ths semester break , , but i didn't thnking so , , but he gve me some mentions tht "u should be gonna carefull within if u wnt to meet me there" , ,

De AnI SuP UtArA WiF My FwEn



ZurYa Ft WeI WeI

Nc AyAm !!!!

MaKaN YoK!!!!


MoDeL nC AyAm ArY nIeY

~ ReAdY To Go ~



De AnI SuP UtArA At KuBaNg KeRiAn WiF Ma BeLoVeD FwEn <3

sonok glerrrrr , , p an zurya , atynnn , ida an wei2 , , sonok 2 , , hehehe ni ary last utk sem ni p ani sup sb da na cuty sem , , pas ni bmula sem bwu , , hehe , , doa2 la kite lulus , , hehehe BIARLAH TAK CEMERLANG , JANJI LULUS . . . TAPI . . . .NAK GAK JADI THE BEST STUDENTTTTTTT GAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! pape pon wish the best wokkk , , , cyunk kowg



my new style , , hehehe :) i like and love it , , fwen dont laugh with ma new presenta , , huhuhu sorry lorrr kgkwn cerminny agak klabuuuu cket~ pape pon still ley nmpk , , hehe , ,